Our Work

The McKnight Brain Research Foundation is the only foundation dedicated exclusively to solving the mysteries of the aging brain.

Through the research and programs we support, we are committed to helping people maintain their brain health as they age.

Our Strategic Pillars

  • Lead
    First to establish a dedicated area of research specifically focused on age-related cognitive decline and memory loss
  • Inspire
    First to establish a dedicated area of research specifically focused on age-related cognitive decline and memory loss
  • Partner
    Forming partnerships and collaborations among scientists, institutions, and organizations
  • Recognize & Reward
    Offering scholarships and grants to attract bright young researchers and to support current scientists

The McKnight Brain Institutes


University of Alabama at Birmingham

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University of Arizona

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University of Florida

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University of Miami

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Learning More About Brain-Related Diseases

Be Part of the Solution

MindCrowd is a collaborative effort to learn more about brain-related diseases. By participating, you can help make real progress in the effort to better understand and treat Alzheimer's disease and other brain-related diseases, including age-related cognitive decline and memory loss.
Take the Test at MindCrowd.org

Join us in our research

Advocating for new research helps us understand age-related cognitive decline and memory loss to help people like you age successfully.

Learn More