Changes with your brain health happen slowly over time and aren’t always easy to detect. Changes in your ability to process, learn, or remember can be caused by stress, depression, loneliness, hearing and vision loss, and financial problems, among other difficulties.
Age-Proof Your Brain by Keeping Your Heart Healthy, Study Says
In this CNN article, MBRF Trustee, Dr. Richard Isaacson provides thoughts on new research published by the American College of Cardiology showing people with more risk factors for heart disease experienced more cognitive decline than people with healthier hearts. “High blood pressure and diabetes can accelerate shrinkage of the brain. High cholesterol can increase the bad protein that builds up … Read More
McKnight Trustee Interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta
McKnight Brain Research Foundation Trustee, Dr. Richard Isaacson recently interviewed by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology. The interview focuses on the global impact of Covid-19. Stay tuned for the 19th minute when Drs. Isaacson and Gupta transition to the topic of brain health. Related Posts
McKnight Trustee Comments on New Study Revealing How the Brain Records Memories During Sleep
In this CNN article, MBRF Trustee, Dr. Richard Isaacson provides thoughts on new research uncovering how the brain records memories as we sleep. “This study is fascinating,” said Dr. Richard Isaacson. “Despite decades of research, it remains somewhat unclear how ‘short-term’ memories get filed away to become ‘long-term’ memories that can be recalled later.” “Using a brain-computer interface is an … Read More
Two UAB MBI Researchers Named to List of 100 Inspiring Black Scientists in America
Two scientists on the faculty at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have been named to a list of 100 inspiring black scientists in America by Cross Talk, the official blog of Cell Press, a leading publisher of cutting-edge biomedical and physical science research and reviews. Farah Lubin, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology, and Michelle Gray, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department … Read More
Exercise for Brain Health
Changes with your brain health happen slowly over time and aren’t always easy to detect. Changes in your ability to process, learn, or remember can be caused by stress, depression, loneliness, hearing and vision loss, and financial problems, among other difficulties.
Cognitive Aging 101
Changes with your brain health happen slowly over time and aren’t always easy to detect. Changes in your ability to process, learn, or remember can be caused by stress, depression, loneliness, hearing and vision loss, and financial problems, among other difficulties.
McKnight Trustees Author New Study Finding that Lifestyle Changes Can Improve Cognition
McKnight Brain Research Foundation Trustees, Dr. Richard Isaacson and Dr. Madhav Thiambisetty, authored a new study showing that lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise and challenging your brain by learning a new skill or starting a new hobby, can help people maintain and even improve memory and reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The study examined the effects of … Read More
The McKnight Brain Research Foundation Announces Winners of Annual Poster Reception
November 1, 2019 – The McKnight Brain Research Foundation hosted its eleventh annual Poster Reception in Chicago, Illinois on Sunday, October 20, 2019. From the 68 posters presented by scientists from the four McKnight Brain Institutes, six were selected to receive cash awards and certificates for display.
Brain Health Facts
Changes with your brain health happen slowly over time and aren’t always easy to detect. Changes in your ability to process, learn, or remember can be caused by stress, depression, loneliness, hearing and vision loss, and financial problems, among other difficulties.