Deputy Director, McKnight Brain Institute; Aerts-Cosper Professor of Alzheimer’s Research; Associate Director, 1Florida AD Research Center’ and Professor of Neurology & Neuroscience, University of Florida Q: Why is early detection so critical to preventing cognitive decline among older adults and what are some of the barriers to early detection? One of the major reasons why early detection or pre-disease detection … Read More
Dr. Jennifer Bizon Named Director of the University of Florida’s Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Brain Institute
Jennifer Bizon, Ph.D., chair of the UF College of Medicine department of neuroscience and an expert in brain aging, has been appointed director of the Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida.
Dr. Carol A. Barnes Named One of’s Top 1,000 Female Scientists in the World for 2022 recently published its first list of the top 1,000 female scientists in the world and we’re thrilled to congratulate Dr. Carol A. Barnes, the Evelyn F. McKnight Endowed Chair for Learning and Memory in Aging, and Director of the Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute at the University of Arizona for this well deserved recognition.
Tips for Holiday Wellness
A recent study by MBRF Trustee, Madhav Thambisetty, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at the National Institute on Aging suggests that some cholesterol medications may impact signaling pathways in the brain, particularly in men.
Announcing the 2022 Recipients of the McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss
Announcing the 2022 recipients of The McKnight Brain Research Foundation Innovator Awards in Cognitive Aging and Memory Loss: Emily T. Reas, PhD, of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), and Tara Tracy, PhD, of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.
Inside Philanthropy Article Profiles Efforts of the McKnight Brain Research Foundation and the American Federation for Aging Research
Inside Philanthropy recently published an article profiling the partnership and individual efforts of the McKnight Brain Research Foundation (MBRF) and the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR).
University of Florida Expands Dementia Prevention Research Led by Adam Woods, PhD, Associate Director of the Center for Cognitive Aging and Memory in the McKnight Brain Institute
The University of Florida is expanding its landmark Preventing Alzheimer’s with Cognitive Training (PACT) study to include healthy older adult volunteers from North Florida. The study, led by Adam Woods, PhD, Associate Director of the Center for Cognitive Aging and Memory (CAM) in the McKnight Brain Institute and Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, examines whether … Read More
Dr. Madhav Thambisetty, MBRF Trustee and Vice Chair, Recently Addressed “Targeting Pathology in Neurodegenerative Disease” at the 2023 AAN Annual Meeting
Madhav Thambisetty, MD, PhD, MBRF Trustee and Vice Chair, senior investigator at the National Institute on Aging and adjunct professor of neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, recently addressed the important topic of “Targeting Pathology in Neurogenerative Disease” at the Plenary Session of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.
Brain stimulation improves short-term memory in older adults for a month, study finds
A recent study by MBRF Trustee, Madhav Thambisetty, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at the National Institute on Aging suggests that some cholesterol medications may impact signaling pathways in the brain, particularly in men.
The McKnight Brain Research Foundation Announces Angelika Schlanger, PhD, as Executive Director
rain Research Foundation (MBRF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Angelika Schlanger, PhD, as its Executive Director effective, August 15, 2022. Dr. Schlanger is an accomplished leader with more than 15 years of diverse experience spanning the academic and social impact sectors.